
Dual Credit Courses

*ART 1301 Art Appreciation Reading & Writing 03500100 
COMM 1315 Intro to Public Speaking Reading & Writing 03241400 
ECON 2301 Principles of Macroeconomics Reading, Writing, & Math 03310300 
ECON 2302 Principles of Microeconomics Reading, Writing, & Math 03310301
*ENGL 1301 Composition I Reading & Writing 03220300 
*ENGL 1302 Composition II Reading & Writing 03220300 
*ENGL 2322 British Literature to 1800 Reading & Writing 03220400 
ENGL 2323 British Literature since 1800 Reading & Writing 03220400 
*ENGL 2327 American Literature to 1865 Reading & Writing 03220400 
ENGL 2328 American Literature since 1865 Reading & Writing 03220400 
*HIST 1301 US History to 1877 Reading & Writing 03340100 
*HIST 1302 US History since 1877 Reading & Writing 03340100 
MATH 1314 College Algebra Math 03102500 
MATH 1324 Applications of Discrete Mathematics Math 03102520 
MATH 1332 Contemporary Mathematics 1 Math 03102400 or 031102502 
MATH 2412 Pre-Calculus (4credit hours) Math 03101100 
MATH 2413 Calculus (4credit hours) Math 03102501 
*MUSI 1301 Jazz, Pop, & Rock Reading & Writing 03155600 
PLSC 2305 American National Politics Reading & Writing 03330100 
*PSYC 1301 Intro to Psychology Reading & Writing 13018200 or 13018300 or 13018400 
*SOCI 1301 Intro to Sociology Reading & Writing 03370100
SPAN 1411

Beginning Spanish I (4 credit hours)

Reading & Writing 03440300 
SPAN 1412

Beginning Spanish II (4 credit hours)

Reading & Writing 03440300
SPAN 2311 Second Year Spanish I Reading & Writing 03440400 
SPAN 2312 Second Year Spanish II Reading & Writing 03440400 
CCJO 2310 Intro to Criminal Justice Reading & Writing 13029200

*Courses that are offered through TxVSN-TEA