The School of Nursing application for the Fall 2025 semester is open from February 1, 2025 through March 31, 2025.
Application Criteria for School of Nursing Applicants
When applying to the University of Texas Permian Basin, please specify your major as “Pre-Nursing (General BSN) (NURSINT)”. You must be a student of UTPB to apply for the BSN program.
Please note that acceptance into UTPB does not guarantee acceptance into the Nursing program.
The Nursing program is a highly competitive program. Not everyone who applies will be accepted into the BSN program.
The School of Nursing Application Criteria is for students interested in applying for the BSN program.
Application Deadlines:
The application period for the Fall semester will open on the second Monday of January and close the last Wednesday of March. All general education courses must be completed by the end of May for the application to be considered as complete. Summer courses will not be considered for the Fall semester admittance.
The application period for the Spring semester will open on the second Monday in June and close the last Wednesday of August. All general education courses must be completed by the end of the current Fall semester for the application to be considered as complete. Mid-Winter courses will not be considered for the Spring semester admittance.
Applications Requirements:
Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. We encourage students to submit all required documents one week prior to the application deadline.
A minimum of 16 general education courses of the required 21 general education courses including the pre-nursing courses must be completed by the time the application is submitted. Students must provide enrollment verification for courses being taken during the application period to the School of Nursing at
Applicants previously enrolled in any other nursing courses or nursing program must provide a Letter of Good Standing from the Dean or Director of the previous nursing program. Letter of Good Standing must be sent to directly from the previous school. This letter will not be accepted directly from the applying student.
Required Courses and Grade Requirements:
- Overall cumulative college GPA of 3.0 or higher is required to apply to the School of Nursing.
- Student must achieve a grade of B or higher in Anatomy/Lab, Physiology/Lab, and Microbiology/Lab courses.
- Only two attempts allowed to earn required Science grades.
- All remaining courses required to satisfy UTPB core curriculum and remaining School of Nursing prerequisites must be completed with a grade of C* or higher.
- PSYC 3301 Intro to Statistics and all NURS courses must be taken at UTPB.
*Please note – UTPB offers Anatomy and Physiology as separate courses. (BIOL 3350/3151 Human Anatomy/Lab and BIOL 3352/3153 Human Physiology/Lab) In order to meet the criteria, these courses must be taken at the same University/College.
If a student takes Anatomy & Physiology I (A&P I) I or Anatomy & Physiology II (A&P II) at another college or university, they must take the other Anatomy & Physiology I or II (A&P I or II) course at that same institution rather than taking A&P I and A&P II at different schools.
BON Background Check - Background checks will be required for students after admittance into a clinical cohort. Please see link below (More Information) for background check details.
TEAS Test (Test of Essential Academic Skills, version 7 or higher) We encourage students to take their TEAS test as soon as possible, within the 2-year time frame of application.
- Student must achieve a 75% or higher on the Math, Reading, and Science sections.
- Scores must be less than two years old at the time of application.
- Test results must be sent to “U of TX Permian Basin – BSN”. TEAS test results must be received by the application deadline in order for the admission committee to consider the application complete.
- Only two attempts per application period are allowed to earn the required minimum score on math, reading, and science. Applicants must wait a minimum of 30 days between attempts. Scores from a TEAS test taken prior to the 30-day waiting period will not be considered. Required minimum scores for math, reading, and science must be on the same attempt.
Proof of their current immunizations at time of application. Prior to clinical rotations, student must be immunized and provide information reflecting immunization against the following:
- ANNUAL FLU VACCINE Annual flu vaccine is due in October of each year.
- BACTERIAL MENINGITIS Effective January 1, 2012, if you are under 30 years of age, are a new student or if you were not enrolled at UTPB during the fall of 2011, you will be required to show evidence that you have received the bacterial meningitis vaccination or that you are eligible for an exemption prior to enrolling.
- HEPATITIS B VACCINE (HBV) with dates of each injection, proof of positive antibody titer OR declination of vaccine completed. Three (3) HBV injections are needed.
- TUBERCULOSIS SKIN TEST - A TB test OR approved blood assay (within the past 90 days), OR, IF a prior positive reactor to skin test, a negative chest x-ray within 6 months and free of productive cough, night sweats or unexplained loss of weight AND annual TB testing. (Once per year, students will be instructed when to get their TB test.)
- VARICELLA (Chicken Pox) – Proof of immunity by documented history of chicken pox, OR proof of Varicella immunization dates OR positive antibody titer.
- Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (TDAP) within the past 10 years. The CDC now recommends TDAP for anyone 18 years and older.
- MEASLES, MUMPS, AND RUBELLA (MMR) – Proof of 2 MMR vaccines if born after January 1957.
- COVID Immunization – The Covid vaccination is recommended, but currently not required. If the student has received the Covid vaccine(s), UTPB will place a copy in their file.
Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) Guidelines
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends routine MMR vaccination for the following groups of people:
- all children, beginning at age 12-15 months
- adults born in 1957 or later without documentation of vaccination
- healthcare workers, who lack evidence of immunity, regardless of age
- non-pregnant women of childbearing age without evidence of immunity to Rubella
- ACIP recommends a second dose of MMR for any adult born during 1957 or later who:
- is a student in a post-secondary educational institution
- is a healthcare worker
- plans to travel internationally
- Additional information on MMR Guidelines can be found on the Immunization Action Coalition
As mandated by Texas Administrative code, TITLE 25, PART 1, CHAPTER 97, SUBCHAPTER B, Rule § 97.64 Required Vaccinations for Students Enrolled in Health related and Veterinary Courses in Institutions of Higher Learning; students must have all required vaccinations in order to be enrolled and stay enrolled in a health-related course at institutions of higher education.
The School of Nursing follows policies set forth by hospital affiliates regarding immunizations, or test results and the ability of a student to attend class and/or clinical.
Urine/Drug Screens are required each semester prior to participation in clinicals.
If you have questions or need additional information, please email or call (432)552-2560.